
Shalita Grant bio - Age, movies, parents net worth

 Elizabeth Shalita Grant is an American entertainer who was brought up in Petersburg, Virginia, the girl of a cop. She is notable for her job as NCIS Special Agent Sonja Percy on NCIS: New Orleans. Sherry, the fundamental person on Netflix's thrill ride series You, was projected in her latest job.  Award will be 33 years of age in 2021, having been brought into the world on the 28th of August 1988 in Petersburg, Virginia. Her birthday is the 28th of August, and she was brought into the world under the mysterious indication of Virgo.  Award experienced childhood in Petersburg, Virginia, where her folks had a home. We attempted to look into her family however were ineffective on the grounds that no such data is accessible to general society. Subsequently, nobody realizes who Shalita's folks are. Also, no data is accessible on whether she has any kin. At the point when new subtleties become accessible, we'll try to refresh this part.  Training  To additional his imaginative an
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